Products >> Seawater Electro Chlorination System Package China UAE desalination
Electro Chlorination System EPC – Feature Design & Engineering Design EPC
Project Case: Desalination Electro Chlorination System package
With 20 Years experiences,Bluewav is able to provide Electro Chlorination Package Engineering Design and EPC , technical specification, datasheet and etc.
Project Case: Desalination Electro Chlorination System package
The elecrochlorination system is part of Desalination Plant, 200 million m3/year, located in Israel near the Mediterranean Sea.
The system is aimed to produce activated chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) to be added in two points in the process: post treatment reactor feed with required activated chlorine concentration of 0.5 mg/Liter and product water with required activated chlorine concentration of 0.3 mg/Liter

Products Category
- Hypochlorous Acid Anolyte Generator
- Medical grade Neutral Anolyte HOCL Generator
- Sodium_Hypochlorite_Generator (Seawater)
- Sodium_Hypochlorite_Generator (Salt Water)
- High Concentration Sodium_Hypochlorite_Plant
- Strong Alkaline Water generator Machine china
- Alkaline ionized water machine electrolyzed Water ionizer Machine china For Drinking Water Plant
- on site chlorine gas generator china
- Chlorine_Dioxide_Generator
- Chlorine Liquefaction Refill Cylinder Line
- UV sterilization
- Seawater Electro Chlorination System Package China UAE desalination
- Automatic dosing system PAC PAM
- Reverse_osmosis_RO_system seawater desalination system
- Online Chlorine Concentration Meter Gauge
- Sodium Hydroxide Generator detergent caustic soda plant NaOH
- Chlor-alkali plant membrane electrolysis
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